Fees are the Bee’s Knees

When it comes to listing presentations, there’s one burning question that sellers often lead with: “How much is this going to cost?” It’s understandable – sellers want to know the financial implications of working with a real estate agent upfront. But interestingly, while fees might be the first thing on their minds, they should actually be the last topic you discuss before sealing the deal.

Real estate agents can sometimes feel uneasy about broaching the subject of fees. However, fees shouldn’t be a source of discomfort; they’re something every agent should take pride in. Here’s


Firstly, your fees reflect your worth. As an agent, you’re committing time, effort, and expertise to secure the best outcome for your clients. Don’t undervalue yourself or your services.

Secondly, discussing fees presents an opportunity to showcase your negotiation skills. If you can’t negotiate your own fees effectively, how can sellers trust you to negotiate the best deal for their property? It’s a chance to demonstrate your value as a skilled negotiator and advocate for your worth.

But before diving into the dollars and cents, it’s crucial to address a fundamental question: “Mr. and Mrs. Seller, subject to us agreeing on a fee, are you happy to list the property with me tonight?” This question serves a vital purpose.

By confirming the seller’s satisfaction with other aspects of your presentation, such as the marketing strategy or sales approach, you clear the path for discussing fees. Just as a buyer might negotiate a lower price if they find flaws in a property, a seller could be inclined to push back on fees if they have reservations about other aspects of your proposal.

Once you’ve established alignment on all other fronts, you can proceed to discuss fees with confidence. It’s not about undercutting yourself; it’s about negotiating a fair and mutually beneficial arrangement. Just as you advocate for your clients during the sales process, don’t hesitate to advocate for yourself when it comes to fees.

In the end, discussing fees should be seen as a natural and necessary part of the real estate transaction. By approaching this conversation strategically and confidently, you can ensure that both you and your clients walk away satisfied with the outcome. So, embrace the discussion, negotiate with conviction, and secure the best deal for yourself and your clients.

For more information, or to find out how Real Estate Brilliance can help you implement systems and strategies to take your business to the next level, click the button below to discover information on our upcoming webinar.

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